Friday, April 11, 2008

week11-Psychology of Everyday Things-nice design

Nice design every day things
A good design has to consist of the shape, form. The material and usability also have to be considered. A real a good design it can be use in different century and it will be a modal of the future design.

I found two designs which I think there are a good design.

Sacco ’bean bag’ chair
one is “Sacco ‘bean bag’ chair by Zanotta, the bean bag adapted itself perfectly to any body shape and weight, and toward the end of the 1960s it represented the progression of an-authoritarian ideas into furniture. Traditional domestic and seating forms were thrown to the wind and replaced by the leather bean bag, filled with little expanded polystyrene beads. Lounging and relaxing became the new domestic styles.


Bird kettle

Michael Graves is a leading representative of American postmodernism, which rehabilitated the figurative that had bee displace the abstract. He believed that the rejection of all cultural and historical links and les to alienation and loss of imagination. He has applied the philosophy to the creation of very day objects. His whistling bird kettle was created in 1985 for Alessi. It was bought by over half- a- million people, making the arrival of fun design in the home.


I think these two creations that bring the people to a new techniques and thoughts to domestic styles. I also think that a great designer have to very update herself or himself. Therefore, he or she can create very update thing to humans.

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