Friday, April 11, 2008

week11-Psychology of Everyday Things-nice design

Nice design every day things
A good design has to consist of the shape, form. The material and usability also have to be considered. A real a good design it can be use in different century and it will be a modal of the future design.

I found two designs which I think there are a good design.

Sacco ’bean bag’ chair
one is “Sacco ‘bean bag’ chair by Zanotta, the bean bag adapted itself perfectly to any body shape and weight, and toward the end of the 1960s it represented the progression of an-authoritarian ideas into furniture. Traditional domestic and seating forms were thrown to the wind and replaced by the leather bean bag, filled with little expanded polystyrene beads. Lounging and relaxing became the new domestic styles.


Bird kettle

Michael Graves is a leading representative of American postmodernism, which rehabilitated the figurative that had bee displace the abstract. He believed that the rejection of all cultural and historical links and les to alienation and loss of imagination. He has applied the philosophy to the creation of very day objects. His whistling bird kettle was created in 1985 for Alessi. It was bought by over half- a- million people, making the arrival of fun design in the home.


I think these two creations that bring the people to a new techniques and thoughts to domestic styles. I also think that a great designer have to very update herself or himself. Therefore, he or she can create very update thing to humans.

week10-Reflection: Guest speaker-Eugene Lee

Reflection: Guest speaker-Eugene Lee

According to the classmate’s discussing guest speaker-Eugene Lee. I know that Engene’s background. He is Korea-American. His parents like most of Asian parents have high expectation to study in super universities and have a good career.

Eugene has a great speaking on Wiki. General knowledge about Wiki , Wiki is an online resource which users to add and edit content collectively. Wiki is a Website that allows users to add content or edit existing content, typically without the need for registration. It allows users to link any number of pages together, either other Wiki pages or external pages. The ease of interaction and operation makes a Wiki a very effective tool for collaborative authoring for either small groups or large masses of people. Wiki is used in different careers which is able to used in education, business, and so on.

Eugene states that:

1.collaborative intelligence

-people communicate and share information in the company.

- It can extend to great for field sales & marketing teams comprised of employees & external partners.

2. Participatory knowledgebase

- Great for technical support & customer service.

- Capture & organize together content from customers & internal

3. Flexible client collaboration

- managing complex projects with geographically dispersed teams, great for extranets where connecting with partners and suppliers is crucial

4. Business social networks

- discover the experts and tap the innovations of employees.

WiKi has its characteristics:
Open / Public
Any user can edit any entry. This includes adding content, turning existing content into links, or changing content altogether.

-A defining characteristic of wiki technology is the ease with which pages can be created and updated.
Entries can cite other entries, including pages that have not been written yet.

-The structure and content of the site evolves as long as it's used

Entry titles encourage focus, highlighting of crucial terms & concepts.


-Activity within the site can be watched and reviewed by any visitor to the site.

Easily learned coding conventions, for activities like building inside & outside links, formatting text, uploading images

Wiki is a good tool in business or education. It creates a good environment to connect for employee and employer. It also creates a great Network.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

week9-Five picture frame story

This is my five picture frame story

Week8-Work with group “A Whole New Mind By Daniel Pink “

Week8-Work with group “A Whole New Mind By Daniel Pink “

Since I checked ilearn and knew about that we had a group work, I send an e-mail with one of our classmate. Even thought I have a difficulty to find a msn to connect my member of group, I still figure out the way to connect my member of group. Finally, they are able to add some ideas and works in the group work. Following is our group will preset ideas and contents.

“A whole new mind in a high concept and high touch age.

Meaning-one of the Six Senses:

There are two practical, whole-minded ways for individuals, families, and business to begin the search for meaning: start taking spirituality seriously and start taking happiness seriously.

First, We ought to take spirituality seriously because of its demonstrated ability to improve our lives- something that might be even more valuable when so many of us have satisfied our material needs.

Second, Dalai Lama believes the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. Happiness can not be pursued; it must ensue. What does happiness derive from? According to Dr. Martin E. P. Seligman, a professor at the university of Pennsylvania and founder of the "positive psychology" movement, happiness derives from a mix of factors. Part of it depends on biology. But all of us can learn how to reach the upper portions of our individual range-where happiness can ensue. Others contribute to happiness are engaging in satisfying work, avoiding negative events and emotions, being married, and having a rich social network. Also important are gratitude, forgiveness and optimism.

What methods can we start the search for meaning?

  • Say Thanks: Feelings of gratitude enhance well-being and deepen one's sense of meaning. Two variations on this them are the birthday gratitude list and the gratitude one-a-day.
  • Take The 20-10 Test: ask yourself, if you inherited $20 million, no strings attached, would you spend your days the way you spend them now? If you know you had at most ten years to live, would you stick with your current Job? If the answer is no, that ought to tell you something.
  • Measure Your Spirit: try to do two self-assessments that help measure qualities and attitudes associated with Meaning. First is called the Spiritual Transcendence Scale (more info: Second is called the Index of Core Spiritual Experience( more info:
  • Read These Books:
    • Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
    • Authentic Happiness by Martin E. P. Seligman
    • Flow by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi
    • What Should I Do With My Life? by Po Bronson
    • Mindfulness by Ellen Langer
    • The Art of Happiness by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler, M.D.
  • Visit a Labyrinth: resources are
  • Picture Yourself at Ninety”

Week7-Reflection-Learning by my own

It is a long night work. Even thought I miss some classmates’ presentation about some web 2.0, I read some of classmates’ blog. It is helpful that I made some up, and then I am able to create my frame in voicethread. Voicethread is very easy to use and create a voice over video in several mins. I spend the time to really play it. I try to record the voice and type texts. In some cases, I consider that it is better just using the voice, but some are not. Fortunately, I can make it by voicethread.

week6-Freemind Map-21st century skill

Here is jpeg image