On Information Design
Who are the users? –This is a design shop which has many lessons in effective teaching. The most users are designers and educators.
Information chunk: In the main page, there are five main sections that are evaluation, assessment, process, strategies, and development. Those information is arrange very organize.
Relevance: The graphics is let people to feel comfortable. The background is light green and color of main page is brown tone which make harmonious. The reading is ok, the white texts are on brown background that makes text readable.
Labeling: the text of navigation is brown and the color of navigation background is light green. It is readable. Each title of the text is white color on the different colors. It is all make the text which is readable.

Consistency: The navigation is use drop-menu which is functional for user. On the other hand, it makes users hard to find the location of navigation and users may not know what the web will be.
Detail: The content of page, there are several text links to link. It makes users who are able to link the related page immediately. It is good for the users. In the general I do not think that the links are too many.
On Interactivity
Orientation: The navigation is under the headline and the small drop-menu which is not interactivity for the users. But, under the main menu each bottom links the sub-page directly which is in interactivity.
Navigation: The navigation does not have main categories and it is hard to find the navigation. The each bottom links the page, but the sub-page is hard to find a bottom to link back to main page.
Functionality: This website is very functional for designers and educators. The users get a lot of resources.
On Screen Design
Attractive: The first impress of the web site, I feel that it is not active, but it is harmonious. Some texts are heavy and the layout is simple.
Resolution: The size of web-site is frozen. The users do not need to scroll down the web page.
Color: The main color is brown tone and the brown color is nature color. The background of full screen is light screen. Green and brown are nature colors which are comfortable for users. There are some titles are highlight. It makes the titles stand up. In the general, I think there are too many colors in the main page. Even though it does not make the users to feel uncomfortable, it still makes the main page outstanding.
Layout: The layouts are simple and formal. The headline is on top. The navigation is under headline. The content is fully on the page and on the center which is easily to find information. It may main purpose of the web site.
Readability: The texts and fonts are not hard to read. The fonts of texts are same and the sizes of the texts are most same. In the general it is readable. It is good that the title is use the big size. It has a difference between the texts of the content.